1300 662 022

Written by Andrew Ward (CEO of 3 Minute Angels and Parent)

Teachers Suffer

I was dropping my son off at his pre-school when I overheard the following:

“I love my boy. I just wouldn’t want to be with him all day” said the parent.

“I’m dreading school holidays. How will I keep him entertained?” they continued…

This got me thinking. Teachers have to deal with this boy and 30 others (including my own “scallywag”) every day. They seemingly do it without raising their voice, losing their marbles or threatening kids.

Wow.  I barely manage a day with only 2 kids before I do one of those things!

Long Hours

Teachers have a very important role. This isn’t always respected by students, parents and the governments. In fact, teachers are often left under-resourced, under-paid and under recognised. But no one in their right mind doubts that educating and caring for our next generation is important.

Some people unwisely suggest that teachers have it easy because ‘they don’t work 9-5’ and have school holidays off.

This fails to account for lesson planning, marking homeworks and assignments. It also doesn’t take into account the many after-school activities teachers inevitably end up doing.

It also doesn’t apply to early learning centres and pre-schools that don’t have holidays.

Australia’s education system takes it’s time. A recent article published by The Australian stated “Australian students spend 1,010 hours a year at school, compared to the OECD average of 794 hours, while Australian teachers averaging at 879 hours in classroom teaching — 172 hours a year more than the OECD average.”

Giving Teachers A Break

Teachers have to survive children’s’ tantrums, constant questioning and issues of under-resourcing, payment and recognition. It would be expected to see them stressed – but most of the time, I see them they are smiling.

However, we can turn this stress around in just 5-10 minutes by giving them a Halo Massage or Double Halo Massage.

Make your teacher feel this good.

Touch immediately stimulates the body and mind so that stress and negativity is removed. This process doesn’t take long – just a few minutes.  The effects though are transformative.

Get In Touch

As we come to the end of term 1, stress can be at an all-time high.  Don’t let this happen to the teachers in your life. Take care of Teachers and they will take amazing care of the kids. It really is that simple.

To book, Get In Touch online or call 1300 662 022.