1300 662 022

Our COVIDSafe Plan

The health and safety of our Angels and Clients is our number one priority. The COVIDSafe Plan Guidelines below are followed by our Angels when out on shift and we have suggested Guidelines for clients in relation to our bookings.

What Our Angels Will Do

24 Pre-shift Health Check

All Angels are required to report their health condition 24 hours prior to their shifts. We are in close regular communication with all of our staff. This is to ensure that none of our Angels are at risk of being sick or carrying any illness.  Some questions our Angels are required to answer:

  • Have you, or anyone in your family or household, been in contact with a person that has tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Have you, or anyone in your family or household, been in contact with a person that is in the process of being tested for COVID-19?
  • Are you having trouble breathing, have a dry cough, or have any flu-like symptoms?

If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, the Angel is asked to get tested, will not be allowed to do the massage shift and will be replaced by another Angel fit to work.

In the event another Angel is not able to work the shift the Account Manager will work with the client to find a solution within our Terms and Conditions.

Face masks during the shift

All Angels have the option to wear face masks while on shifts. They always bring face masks with them to all shifts. If you require a face mask to be worn during your booking please let us know. We encourage the wearing of face masks.

Sanitise in between recipients

All Angels are required to bring hand sanitiser/rubbing alcohol and sanitise their hands, ipads & massage equipment (if any) between massages. They must also wash hands before and after shift, as well as during shift where possible.

Comply with government safety guidelines

All Angels will comply with safety guidelines asserted by state and federal government. We encourage all staff and clients to support 1.5m physical distancing between people where possible and wearing a face mask in indoor spaces.

What Clients Need To Do

Covidsafe plan or protocols

All clients will need to provide information on the existing Covidsafe plan or protocols on site. This is for us to take into consideration your company protocols in place when organising the Angel’s visit.

Fill out the booking sheet

Upon request, 3 Minute Angels can supply a booking sheet to schedule massage times for each recipient prior to the shift. This can be used for contact tracing. The Angels also need to collect each person’s information for our insurance purposes when on shift. They utilise a paper or digital worksheet for this purpose. All data is stored confidentially and securely. No data is ever shared to a third party. You can review our Privacy Policy here.

Massage delivery

Angels can roam or be located in a separate room setup for the massages. We suggest social distancing guidelines of 1.5m are still adhered to where possible to ensure safety of all Angels and recipients.

Coordinate with Angels

All clients should coordinate and work with Angel(s) on site to ensure a safe visit.

Book your massages today

“All went great, I think Heather replied and advised that it was really good. All participants really liked the idea and it gave a surprise element to the days event.”

Northern Region Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited