1300 662 022

Mums Unite Us All

There are many things that make us different.  Our likes, dislikes and preferences.  But… we all have a Mum.

Working Mums

This year, we aren’t running the usual ‘Working Mum Of The Year’ competition.  (See our past competitions)

Instead, we are promoting “Mums Unite Us All”.

Simply tell us ‘what does your workplace do to acknowledge, spoil, treat, or honour your Working Mums in the Workplace’ and we’ll send you an Angel for 2-hours to help make it even more special.

For example, if your workplace organises a morning tea for Working Mums, let us know where and when and we’ll send you an Angel.  It’s that simple.

How To Enter (and a tiny bit of fine print)

  • Contact us at sales@3minuteangels.com
  • Provide proof that you are actually honouring Working Mums.  (This could be an invite or marketing materials you’ve had made up);
  • Provide us with the usual booking details we need like when and where your event will take place;
  • We’ll then organise for one Angel to make everyone feel divine for a 2-hr period at your Working Mum event.

If you are wanting for more than 1 Angel or wanting longer than 2-hours or your event is beyond our ‘free travel’ zone, then your business will be asked to pay for the extra bit prior to the booking being confirmed.  Does that sound fair?

We will do our best to provide this service to you, but if for any reason we can’t accommodate your request and are booked out at the time and place of your request, then we will have to decline.  We will however do our best to accommodate everyone that we can.

Get In Touch (pardon the pun) for this Mothers Day on 1300 66 20 22.