1300 662 022

If you count lockdown since 18th of March when Scott Morrison officially cancelled Anzac Day, that was the day the penny dropped.

On the 13th of June many of those restrictions will have been lifted and people will start returning to work.

When they do, they will need to feel good about coming back and that’s where 3 Minute Angels can help.

12 Weeks and 3 Days

Barring a second wave, things in NSW will get back to normal from the 13th of June.  This will be 12-weeks and 3 days after the penny dropped for Australia that this COVID-19 thing was a thing.  And we thought at the time it would be a very big and deadly thing.  Thankfully it wasn’t.

All Work Is Evolving

How will your office respond to collaboration when Work-From-Home is going to be a more desirable option?

How will your workplace change now that public transport, stuffy meeting rooms and packed networking events are going to be a less desirable option.  How will work be a healthy space?

Make Work A Happy & Healthy Return

Nothing says health and confidence in your workplace health system like massages.

Clearly, Angels will be touching people and that will require breaking the 90+ day taboo of social distancing and physical distancing.

It will be important to break this taboo to help people feel comfortable with each other when they come into the office.  Plus a good quality massage is probably just what people need after all the bad posture that has come from working at home on the chair in their bedroom or dining room table.

Welcome your team and office back with massages.

Return to work massages