After 15 years we have been used by thousands of clients to give millions of massages for different purposes. Here is the most common (best) ways our clients use our services.
1. As an incentive: When you need your staff to be attentive, engaged and productive then bringing an incentive like massage into to workplace just makes sense.
3. As a promotional mechanism: You can spend lots of money promoting and activating your brand to customers at events, tradeshows and conferences. But if they walk by or don’t engage, all this money is wasted.
Providing delegates with a massage within your brand activation space gets people to sit down and engage with you and your brand.
4. As a way of getting morale feedback: All the Angels use a process where they ask you how you feel before and after the massage. This feedback is directly provided to our Angels and recorded in the Key Contact Report we send back to clients at completion. Some clients use this as 3rd party testing of the morale in their office.
5. As a healthy alternative: When you have spent money promoting the Wellness values of your business taking the team to the pub or bringing in muffins or doughnuts just doesn’t cut it.
6. As a stress relief: We all know that stress can build up in the workplace and when it does you get symptoms like poor communication, bitchiness, absenteeism and lower productivity. To help relieve the stress individual-by-individual then nothing does a better job than the Angels.
7. As a compliment to corporate hospitality: Giving key customers or suppliers non-financial incentives like tickets to sporting events can change the way they see you as a business. Having Angels at these events allows you to add something special to your corporate hospitality.
8. However you want…