It has been reported in a recent study, that the average worker (in this case British) experiences a case of ‘Desk Rage’ twice a day…
We’ve all experienced it, whether it’s a colleague or the computer, sometimes something trivial can push you over the edge! However getting stressed and experiencing rage twice a day is not healthy. If only there was a way to relax staff and keep the workplace stress-free with positive feeling…
Is Desk Rage a regular feature in your workplace?
There are a variety of things that can trigger Desk Rage but the top 20 are below. Are they what you’d expect? Is there something missing that really gets you fuming at work? Let us know in the comments…
Top 20 office niggles
- Computer crashing
- Colleague claiming credit for your work
- Rude client
- People talking when you’re trying to concentrate
- The printer won’t work
- Someone borrows your desk and leaves it a mess
- The boss fails to thank you for your hard work
- The phone constantly ringing
- People who misread / don’t read emails properly
- You learn a colleague has been bad mouthing you
- Others sucking up to the boss
- Being overlooked for a pay rise in favour of someone else
- People who gossip
- You are refused a pay rise despite not having one for years
- People who spend time on Facebook and Twitter when they should be working
- People who spend time surfing the net when they should be working
- Someone sits at your desk without asking
- Colleagues who take long smoking breaks
- Untidiness
- Not having time for a lunch break