1300 662 022

 Work Guidelines for Angels

State Date Massage is Allowed Restrictions Source
NSW any 1 customer per 2 square metres of space NSW Source Link
VIC any Varies depending on location VIC Source Link
QLD any 1 person per 2 square metres, up to 50 people max QLD Source Link
WA any At least 1.5 metres distance between clients WA Source Link
SA any 1 person per 2 square metres SA Source Link
ACT any 1 person per 4 square metre rule for up to 100 people max ACT Source Link
TAS any 1 person per 2 square metres rule up to 250 people (indoor) and 500 people (outdoor) TAS Source Link


 Angels Work Procedures:

1. Angels will be allowed to massage following the state-based restrictions above.

a. NSW, VIC, SA, ACT: Ratio 1:20

i.e. 1 Angel per 20 people per shift or 1 Angel 4 hrs DH or 2 Angels 2 hours DH.

2. Angels must comply with the Covidsafe procedures as follows:

24 Hour Pre-shift Health Check – All Angels are required to report their health condition 24 hours prior to the shift. This is to ensure that none of our Angels are at risk of being sick or carrying illness. Questions Angels need to answer are:

  • Have you, or anyone in your family, been in contact with a person that has tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Have you, or anyone in your family, been in contact with a person that is in the process of being tested for COVID-19?
  • Are you having trouble breathing, have a dry cough or have flu-like symptoms?

If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, the Angel will not be allowed to do the massage shift and will be replaced by another Angel more fit to work.

Wear face masks during the shift – All Angels must wear face masks while on shifts.

Sanitise in between recipients – All Angels are required to bring hand sanitisers/rubbing alcohol and sanitise their hands, iPads & massage equipment (if any) between massages. They must also wash hands before and after shift, as well as during shift where possible.

Comply with government safety guidelines – All Angels will comply with safety guidelines such as physical distancing of at least of 1.5 metres and limit on the number of clients to massage or maximum density rules, among others.

Download and Install the CovidSafe App – All Angels must download, install and use the CovidSafe App.

3. Coordinate with the Key Contact for a Covidsafe shift.

  • Make sure there is a designated space where you can massage following the maximum density rules. i.e. meeting room, pantry etc.
  • Get a copy of the booking sheet from Key contact for staff’s massage schedule.
  • Ensure staff will come in one at a time and strictly observe physical distancing among the staff.
  • Use the booking sheet/ contact tracing records as required.  What do you need to do with this booking sheet/contact tracing record?

If the Key Contact is ABLE to fill it out and provide the information in advance, you should:
a. Check and confirm if the information provided by the Key Contact matches the massage recipient’s details.
b. If there’s any discrepancy please have the massage recipient fill out the correct information.
c. After the shift, take a clear photo and upload it in Google drive along with your marketing output (if any).

If the Key Contact is UNABLE to fill it out and provide the information in advance, you should:
a. Use the backup blank copy of the booking sheet provided to you by your Manager.
b. Have the massage recipient fill out the information needed.
c. After the shift, take a clear photo and upload it in Google drive along with your marketing output (if any).

Do you still need to use the Digital Worksheet (DWS)/Paper worksheet?
Yes. You still need to acquire each recipient’s consent as usual, which means you also need to have the backup paper worksheet for consent. The booking sheet/contact tracing record will be an added step so we can operate during this pandemic.

Any shift issues must be reported to 3MA Managers as soon as possible.

Note: Face masks and sanitisers will be reimbursed accordingly. Please send a copy of the receipt to reception@3minuteangels.com.

NB: The above information applies to all employees and contractors of 3 Minute Angels, referred to herein as ‘Angels’.  Reimbursements for materials are for direct employees only.