1300 662 022

Good Bad Better

3 Minute Angels has an interesting feedback gathering process.

We are inviting our clients and recipients to provide feedback in this way too.

One of the chief benefits of this process is that it is constructive.  Each person describes in their own words:

  1. What went well or what was good?
  2. What didn’t go well or what went bad?
  3. What could you or we do better or what could be better?

And this is the interesting bit.  For every “bad” that is raised by a person giving the feedback, a genuine attempt at a solution should be suggested by the person calling it “bad”.  Their solution could be something that they could do – or we could do to make the bad, better.

 A grievance without a solution is just bitching.

What can we learn in review?

People always have feedback and it’s good to get it.

Even if it is negative i.e. something we don’t do or should have done.  That way we can do things can be to improve the situation going forward or prevent a similar situation.

Of course, it’s nice to get positive feedback too.  It gives you confidence, clarity and the ability to focus on those things we do well.


Feedback is not only for giving criticism and compliments when necessary.  It can also be suggestions or ideas.  Some of the best come from our customers and Angels.

Do you have an idea for 3 Minute Angels?

If you do, then we’d love to hear your ideas.  Especially if it relates to how we make either the interaction with each recipient better or the booking process for each client easier.  However, we’re open to any ideas you have.

Holiday Operating Period

We will still have Angels in the field.  However, our office will be closed from 21 Dec 2018 and will be open again on 7 January 2019.  If you have an emergency enquiry, please leave a voicemail or fill up the enquiry form here and we will check this at least daily.

Alternatively send an email and we will attend to it from the 7th January.